Post Malone loves Postmates!

Postmates is the Uber of delivering stuff to your door in the US, and they’ve declared Post Malone their best customer.

Why? Because he’s spent $40K on deliveries in the past year!


So, what did he have delivered?

Daryn Jones takes us through Posty’s awesome and hilarious shopping list:


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Daryn Jones: Post Malone Spends $40K On Postmates Deliveries!

Originally Aired: October 25, 2018


Postmates featured Posty and one of his orders on their blog, The Receipt.

“Postmates has become Posty’s best friend. He ranks as our #1 most dedicated customer: having ordered nearly 3,000 total items, on more than 660 orders, in 52 different cities nationwide…

How does Postmates Malone party?

He Postmated:

  • 3 packs of rolling papers
  • 6 bottles of orange juice
  • 2 bottles of cranberry cocktail juice
  • 4 bottles of cabernet sauvignon
  • 2 bags of ice
  • 2 handles of Tito’s Vodka
  • 40 solo cups”
Filed under: Post Malone, postmates