This breaks my heart!

As the California wildfires continues to damage L.A., celebrities like Lady Gaga are trying to help wherever they can by donating money and even materials for those in need.

In the video that was tweeted by Lady Gaga, she says,  “I’m on my way now to a shelter in California to be with people who have evacuated their homes.  It’s one of my acts of kindness for today and I encourage you to do the same.”



Lady Gaga arrived at the Red Cross Shelter with huge amounts of pizza, coffee from Starbucks and gift cards for those who were forced to evacuate their homes in L.A.  In an Instagram post Lady Gaga says, “Thank you to the Red Cross for all you are doing to provide shelter, love and mental health support to the people of California.”


Lady Gaga even gave a speech for those in the shelter, spreading love and hope, “This is not easy. I know this is not easy. And I know that a lot of you are feeling a lot of pain right now, and a lot of shock, and this might feel very surreal.  I extend my love to each and every one of you. I know we do not know each other, but I love you.  This is an emergency, but you are not alone.  We have each other… We’re gonna get through this together.”


In addition to Lady Gaga lending a hand, both Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth donated $500,000 to The Malibu Foundation and Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters barbecued for the firefighters.

Celebrities including Miley Cyrus, Gerard Butler, Robin Thicke, Neil Young and Camille Grammer have all lost their homes due to the Woolsey fire which has taken over Malibu, the surrounding areas of L.A. and Ventura Counties.  In an Instagram post, Liam Hemsworth writes, “It’s been a heartbreaking few days.  This is what’s left of my house.  Love.  Many people in Malibu and surrounding areas in California have lost their homes also and my heart goes out to everyone who was affected by these fires.  I spent the day in Malibu yesterday and it was amazing to see the community pulling together to help each other out in any way they can.  Malibu is a strong community and this event is only going to make it stronger.  Thankful for all the great local guys that helped keep smaller fires out around my property.  I love you guys.  I love you Malibu.  Thank you to all the hero firefighters around California.  It’s going to be a journey to rebuild.”


Jessica Simpson, Alyssa Milano, Caitlyn Jenner and Orlando Bloom were all forced to evacuate as the wildfires were very close to their homes.  According to E News!, “As it stands, an estimated 50 fatalities have been reported as a result of the Woolsey fire and Camp fire in Butte County. Neither, in addition to the Hill fire, are completely contained.”

Filed under: Lady Gaga