Stop what you’re doing because Ariana Grande just dropped her Thank U, Next music video!!

First of all, shout out to Ari for keeping us entertained on Twitter all day while we waited for her to release it! It was quite entertaining.


Honestly, what an angel.

Well, it’s finally here and it is EVERYTHING!

It’s more like a movie, it’s over 5 minutes long and she gives us the nostalgia feels we’ve been waiting for. It’s filled with our favourites, as promised. From the movies Mean Girls, 13 Going on 30, Bring it On, and Legally Blonde. Ari also said that they couldn’t fit all of the set ups in the video so a director’s cut or blooper reel will be released at some point, which is super exciting!!


First of all, let’s talk about Kris Jenner’s appearance in the video. She played the role of the mom from Mean Girls with the camera, and nailed it!



And the looks?? Spot on.


And we can all already see this coming…



Honestly, the whole video is everything we’d hope it would be and so much more. It’s hands down music video of the year. Don’t @ me.

Time to go watch it on repeat for the rest of the year.



Filed under: Ariana Grande, Instagram