Travis Scott opens up in a brand new interview with Rolling Stone and reveals some juicy, wedding news.  When asked if he had plans to ask for Kylie Jenner’s hand in marriage, he answered, “Soon.”


Travis explains, “We was just two kids, f*****g around.  Maybe, like, the first week, you don’t know if it’s real or a fling.  Then the second week, you’re like, ‘Whoa, I’m still talking to her, she’s responding, I’m responding.  We ain’t run out of a thing to say.’  It got to a point where I was like, ‘I need her with me to operate.  She’s that one.’  We’ll get married soon.  I just gotta sturdy up – I gotta propose in a fire way.”


Travis and Kylie met at Coachella in April of 2017 and share a 10-moth-old daughter, Stormi.  According to Entertainment Tonight, “The upcoming proposal likely comes as no surprise to fans who have noticed that the couple frequently refer to each other as ‘hubby’ and ‘wifey.’  Back in October, a source told ET that, despite the use of the monikers, the couple had not yet said ‘I do.'”  Travis tells Rolling Stone, “People don’t understand how real my girl is.  How ill she is.  They have assumptions, bullsh*t-a** remarks of what they think is going on.  Nah, bro.”


Travis continues, “I like to just go outside and walk.  Knowing a girl that famous, you’d think she’s like, ‘I need to go send somebody to do this for me,’ or ‘I need 15 people around me,’ but we just walk out the crib.  Me, I hate cameras.  I don’t like people in my business.  Going into a situation like that, you’d think it would be a whole public fest.  You never know, ‘maybe she’s into all the photos, or worried about this and that.’  And then you realize people are normal.  I realized what really mattered to her, which is none of this s**t.  She’s the coolest of all time.”


Once Coachella ended, Kylie hit the road with Travis and soon after, realized she was pregnant.  Travis explains, “Kids are something we kind of talked about when we were getting busy.  At first I was like, ‘Man, I need a song.’  When we found out it was a girl, I was like, ‘Huhhh.’  But after a while I was like, ‘Yo, this might be the illest thing that ever happened.’  And when Stomi was born, I was like, ‘Life is fire.'”


Read the full Rolling Stone interview here.

Filed under: Kylie Jenner, Travis Scott