Here’s the sitch:

A few years ago Kevin Hart made some homophobic comments on Twitter, which he apologized for then.

Well, fast forward to 2018 and it was announced that Kevin Hart would be hosting the 2019 Oscars.

Right away, social media lost it. There were a lot of mixed reactions, but most people weren’t here for it at all.

Then the Academy stepped in, basically giving Kevin an ultimatum: apologize for the tweets, or step down from the role.

So then he posted this video on Instagram:

He said he’s addressed it several times already in the past and won’t give in to internet trolls.

We still don’t know who’s replacing him (or if he’ll end up hosting).

Ellen DeGenerous is on his side and wants him to host. He made an appearance on The Ellen Show to promote his new movie The Upside and then started talking about the Oscars controversy.

He says, “I know who I am. I know I don’t have a homophobic bone in my body.” He says, “I’ve moved on. I’m a grown man. I’m cultured. I’m manufactured. I’m a guy who understands now. I look at life through a different lens, and because of that, I live it a different way.”

He said he didn’t want the focus to be about him and his past on Oscars night, but Ellen disagreed. She said, “I think the night will be about you, and it should be about you, and you should host the Oscars.”

She actually admitted she made a call to the Academy before she interviewed Kevin and they wanted him to host from the start! They said, “We want him to host. We feel like maybe he misunderstood or it was handled wrong, or maybe we said the wrong thing, but we want him to host. Whatever we can do we would be thrilled.

So, what do you think?? Should he host the 2019 Oscars??

Filed under: 2019 Oscars, Ellen DeGeneres, Kevin Hart, the ellen show, The Oscars