DAMN! I can’t even lie – this is one hot cover! Newlyweds Justin and Hailey Bieber on the cover of Vogue Magazine for the month of March and they look so in love and might I add, incredible!




In this new issue, the couple get candid about the ins and outs of their relationship, the struggles behind ‘building a healthy relationship’ and what keeps them happy.  Following their 12-week romance, the couple got married last September in a New York courthouse and as Hailey says, “The thing is, marriage is very hard.  That is the sentence you should lead with. It’s really effing hard.”




Justin and Hailey met back in 2009 when Hailey attended a live-taping of the Today Show and it was Hailey’s parents who introduced her to her future hubby, “I was never a superfan, of him or of anyone.  It was never that crazed, screaming thing.  I didn’t think about it in any kind of way except for the fact that he was cute.  Everybody had a crush on him.  But for the first few years we had a weird age gap.”  A real friendship blossomed years later and they even began to attend services at Hillsong Church.  Hailey recalls, “One day Justin walked into Hillsong and was like, ‘Hey, you got older.’  I was like, ‘Yeah, what’s up?’ Over time he became my best guy friend.  I was running around with him as his homie, but we weren’t hanging out [romantically].”


Justin dishes, “I’m the emotionally unstable one.  I struggle with finding peace.  I just feel like I care so much and I want things to be so good and I want people to like me.  Hailey’s very logical and structured, which I need.  I’ve always wanted security – with my dad being gone sometimes when I was a kid, with being on the road.  With the lifestyle I live, everything is so uncertain.  I need one thing that’s certain.  And that is my baby boo.”




This has been Justin’s first interview in two years and it was last fall he made the decision to take a break from music, “Just thinking about music stresses me out.  I’ve been successful since I was thirteen, so I didn’t really have a chance to find who I was apart from what I did.  I just needed some time to evaluate myself: who I am, what I want out of my life, my relationships, who I was to be – stuff  that when you’re so immersed in the music business you kind of lose sight of.”




Lastly, Hailey clarifies, “I’m just fighting to do this the right way, to build a healthy relationship. I want people to know that. We’re coming from a really genuine place. But we’re two young people who are learning as we go. I’m not going to sit here and lie and say it’s all a magical fantasy. It’s always going to be hard. It’s a choice.  We’re really young, and that’s a scary aspect.  We’re going to change a lot.  But we’re committed to growing together and supporting each other in those changes.  That’s how I look at it.  At the end of the day, he’s my best friend.  I never get sick of him.”


Read the full article here.

Filed under: Hailey Bieber, justin bieber, Vogue Magazine