Demi Lovato has returned to Instagram to show fans how stronger she really is.  While training with her MMA trainer, Jay Glazer, Demi with one swift kick, knocked out her trainer’s tooth.


“Holy s**t I literally knocked Jay Glazer’s tooth out during training this morning – while he was wearing a mouth piece!!!! Hahahahaha sorry (not sorry) Jay!!! So coach, when’s my first fight?!” is what Demi wrote as the caption for the video.


According to Billboard, “Glazer, a studio analyst for Fox Sports and actor on HBO’s Ballers, is a mixed martial artist and is known to train celebrity friends.”  Since the video was posted, it’s been viewed over 2 million times and Demi is all smiles and laughs as Jay is holding his tooth in his hand.


And this isn’t the first time Demi took a swing at the Unbreakable Performance Centre.  Back in 2016, Jay told US Weekly, “The MMA part has definitely resonated the best with her.  She actually hits and kicks incredibly hard, people here are kind of stunned when they look in the cage to see who’s cracking the pads that hard and see it’s her. Gets a good laugh from us.”  Demi is so fierce, even legendary ‘Rocky’ aka Sylvester Stallone commented on her technique, “Sylvester Stallone came in and heard someone hitting pads and couldn’t believe it was her.  Not a bad plug to get from Rocky!” adds Jay.


Since leaving rehab, a source revealed Demi has dedicated her time in the gym, for both ‘physical and mental health,’ “Working out is cleansing for her mind, body and soul.  It keeps her on track, focused and feeling good.”


The last photo Demi posted on her Instagram was a shot from January when she attended a friend’s wedding as a bridesmaid so it’s great to see Demi is doing well.

Filed under: Demi Lovato