April 1, April Fools Day; the day you can’t believe anything you see online at first.

That’s why I’m breaking down some of the day’s biggest pranks that you shouldn’t believe.



1) Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin-Bieber, Pregnant?

Justin Bieber posted a few photos to Instagram today, including this one of an ultrasound. This comes a week after rumours that him and Hailey are expecting, so it’s perfectly timed. Yet fans were quick to notice that the picture was the same one from the “Ultrasound” Wikipedia article.


He later posted an updated version with a dog in the baby’s place. So…wait, are they getting a puppy though?!



2) West Jet, “Flyer Festival” 

Another well timed April Fools Day prank. West Jet announced they’re hosting a music festival, what they called, “too-good-to-be-true”. If you believed this from the headline, then would you still believe it after finding out it’s an entire music festival hosted at 35,000 feet in the air AND titled “Flyer Festival”. Very close to “Fyre Festival” and even though it’s a prank, it got developed just about as far as the real one.



3) McDonalds, Shake Sauce & McPickle

There’s 2 pranks from McDonald’s that caught steam today. The first was from McDonalds Australia, who announced the McPickle. a version of the Big Mac but instead of patties, there’s just more pickles.


This one sort of backfired because everyone just wanted it to be true. McDonalds pickles are pretty delicious after all. (Unless you’re Roz!)


The second was from McDonalds US who took a spin on dipping your fries in their shakes by announcing a fake product called “Shake Sauce”. A dipping sauce that’s flavoured like a Triple Thick Milkshake.



4) Tinder, Height Verification

In a world where one of the most important details on dating apps is your height (for some reason), Tinder took April 1st as an opportunity to announce a new feature called “Height Verification” where it will know if you’re lying about it.

Some people took it a little too serious and even deleted the app, but if it’s like anyone else when they delete Tinder…they’ll download it again tomorrow night.



5) US Open, Employing Puppies

I want this one to be true SO bad, even more than the McPickle. The US Open announced today that they will be adding dogs into the tournament to retrieve tennis balls between sets. All I know is I would watch WAY more tennis if this was real…




Filed under: April Fools, Hailey Ba, justin bieber, McDonalds, Tinder, US open, west jet