Complex Magazine
Complex Magazine

Chloë Grace Moretz has no plans to be apart of any #SquadGoals with Taylor Swift. Which means her life may also be in danger…

19-year-old actress Chloë Grace Moretz appears on the cover of this month’s issue of Complex magazine. The interviewer asked Chloë if she had been asked to join Taylor Swift’s squad. Chloë shied away from answering the question directly, but as Complex writes, “a smile spread across her moon-shaped face, the padlock that keeps whatever’s in her mind just right there, and she said, measuredly, ‘She’s a very talented person.'” OOOHHHH DRAMA!!!


Sisterhood. @selenagomez #1989TourLA

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on



The #DRAMA didn’t stop there, when pressed, Chloë continued and commented on #Squads, “They appropriate exclusivity. They’re cliques!” She also spoke on being afraid to speak out in her younger years, “There were definitely moments when I was 13 or 14 and was worried about not being liked if I spoke out, but I realized that’s kind of this forced, societal feminist outlook of how women should be – they should feel sorry for speaking out.”    




Maybe we should put Chloë under witness protection program.. Taylor can’t be trusted..