There was quite the crowd at Scotiabank Arena for Game 2 of the NBA Finals and scattered in the over 20,000 people in attendance were quite a few celebs too!

1. Drake

Obviously, Drake was there… I mean DUH!
(and amazingly trolling in a Home Alone sweater)

2. Shawn Mendes

Which leads us to Shawn Mendes who spent some time hanging with Drake after the game!

3. Alessia Cara

Alessia Cara sang the anthem, with everyone in Scotiabank Arena backing her up too!

4. Flo Rida

Flo Rida was hanging out with Damnit Maurie before he performed at half-time. (Flo…not Maurie).

5. Arkells

You might’ve seen the guys from Arkells hanging out in Jurassic Park cheering on The Raptors too!

6. Fantasia

Remember Fantasia from Season 3 of American Idol? She sang the US anthem before the game.

7. Barack Obama

OH… and THE MAN, Barack Obama was in the house too!

Filed under: Alessia Cara, Arkells, Barack Obama, Drake, Fantasia, Flo Rida, NBA, raptors, Scotiabank Arena, shawn mendes