Since being hospitalized due to a drug overdose back in July of 2018, Demi Lovato is opening up in a brand new interview.  Marking this as her first interview in over a year, Demi is breaks her silence at the 2019 Teen Vogue Summit in L.A.  Demi starts by saying how nervous she is and tells the crowd, “I’ve changed a lot. I’ve gone through a lot.”



And so Demi begins:


On how she handles online critics: “What a lot of people don’t realize is that I’m actually an extremely sensitive person.  I am human, so be easy on me. And I’m so tired of pretending like I’m not human. That’s one thing that I won’t do anymore. When you say stuff, it affects me. I’m human. I try not to look, but I see it.”



On what she sees when she now looks into the mirror:I see someone that’s overcome a lot.  I genuinely see a fighter. I don’t see a championship winner in there, but I see a fighter and I see someone that’s going to continue to fight no matter [what] challenges are thrown their way.  Genuinely I just want people to remember that I’m a singer.  I think that a lot of the things I’ve been through kind of outshined my successes in the music industry or acting now. I just want people to remember that that’s what I want to give to the world so please focus on that and not the other things.”  Demi continues, “Everyone’s so quick to cancel everybody and I’m really really tired of it, to be honest. People just make mistakes.” 


On new music: “I have new music coming.  I didn’t say when.  It’s important to remember that I am so cautious this time around of jumping back into things. I’ve really decided to take my time with things, so when the time is right to release new music, I will put it out there. … I am dying to release new music.”



On the start of her career and pressures with fame:  “Of course when you’re seven or eight years old, and you say, ‘Do you want be an actress or a singer?’ You’re like, ‘Yeah put me on stage.’ And you aren’t even old enough to understand the consequences that come with fame. And yes fame is a privilege. It gets you a lot of things that you don’t normally get but there are downsides to it.  It’s important to remember those downsides when you’re making that choice for the rest of your life, because once you’re famous you can’t not be famous anymore. … I wish I would have known that as a child.”  Demi continues, “I wouldn’t change the direction of my life for anything. … I would never regret anything. I love the person that I am today.”


On lessons learned about body acceptance:  “Whenever I was in the gym over the past couple years, I was doing it to a very unhealthy extreme. I think that’s what led me down a darker path.  For me, embracing my body the way that it is naturally was the reason why I took the month of October off from the gym.  A huge thing for me has been body acceptance. I feel like something that is not really spoken about a lot is body acceptance. We hear the terms ‘body positivity’ all the time but to be honest, I don’t always feel positive about my body. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I’m like, ‘Oh I do not like what I see.’ But in those moments, I don’t sit there and dwell on it. I also don’t lie to myself.  I used to look in the mirror and I used to be like ‘I love my body. You’re beautifully and wonderfully made.’ But the thing was, I didn’t believe it so then I just would resent it. And every time I would say it, I would be like ‘You’re lying to yourself.'”




And lastly: “I don’t have to lie to myself and tell myself that I have this amazing body. It’s like, if I don’t feel it, I don’t have to say that. All I have to say is I’m healthy. In that statement, I express gratitude and I express I am grateful for my strength.”


Filed under: Demi Lovato, Teen Vogue