Charlie Puth dropped a brand new track – it’s called ‘Mother’ and the vibe – totally 80s!


It was a relationship Charlie had once been in that inspired ‘Mother.’  Talking about the meaning of the song, Charlie says, “It kind of changed me as a personality.  And from the outside point of view, maybe the mother’s point of view, everything was pristine and perfect, but really what was happening was tumultuous and I was hanging out with different people and I abandoned all my friends and it really changed me for awhile. … The reason I didn’t want to bring this up originally at the very beginning stages of promoting this song is because I just wanted people to have fun and relate to it in their own way. But, as happy as this song is, as bright as this song is, it’s actually about a very interesting time in my life.”



Charlie continues, “I knew what the true meaning of the song was and I didn’t want to show all my cards.  I hear it on the radio and I’m like, ‘If people only knew.’ … [But] I feel so much better … just saying the true sentiment behind it. … I [was] disappointed in myself because when everyone originally asked me about it … I was like, ‘I just made it up about a time in high school!’ [Like] ‘It’s just supposed to be like in the movies, like all good! We’re sneaking out!’ But I couldn’t go to bed [knowing I lied].”


Charlie also shares, “I was kind of lying about what the true meaning of the song was, but I will say I was in an interesting position several years ago.  The song is about an outside perspective, people watching in on a relationship and not knowing that it’s secretly crumbling from the inside. It’s actually not working out, but from a distance, it looks great and flawless, but if your mom only knew that it wasn’t actually working out at all.  It actually started to change my personality too. But you have to learn from experiences like that to get to where you are now. But I’ve disguised it in a very happy sounding song.”



In the same interview, Charlie explained the ‘relationship wasn’t just one-sided,’ “It wasn’t just me.  It was two people just beating each other up.”  Check out Charlie performing ‘Mother’ on The Ellen Show below.



‘Mother’ will be off Charlie’s forthcoming album.

Filed under: Charlie Puth