Following the releases of her original Christmas tune, Taylor Swift releases a BTS video of how ‘Christmas Tree Farm’ was born!



Sitting behind a piano and playing around with some chords, Taylor tells her fans, “So, the idea I have for the song is ‘Christmas Tree Farm,’ because I grew up on one.  “It’s about how you’re in the city and you’re stressed out and your life is feeling really low, but in your heart is a Christmas tree farm.”  The following day, Taylor is seen heading to the studio where she works alongside co-producer Jimmy Napes (Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me,’ ‘I’m Not The Only One’ and ‘Too Good at Goodbyes.’)  and the entire recording process took less than a week to complete!


Thankfully the fans received Taylor’s Christmas record this year rather than in 2020 – days before the songs release, Taylor told her fans in a video uploaded to Instagram that she didn’t want to wait until next Christmas to release a holiday song – considering it was already written at that point.



Check out the music video below.


Filed under: Taylor Swift