The world has come together to express their support against police brutality towards black lives, and has also left many wondering how they can do more to help this cause.

In the wake of George Floyd’s murder by a police officer in Minneapolis on Monday, many supporters are looking for ways to lend their time and effort in solidarity with black communities.

If you are looking to be proactive in the fight for justice, visit to sign a petition that calls on the arrest for all 4 police officers that were complicit in the death of George Floyd. There is also phone number (612-324-4499) you can use that will put you in touch with officials who have the ability to carry out the justice we’re all looking for.


Also, you can support the Minnesota protesters on the front-line by donating to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.



In a matter that hits closer to home, a black 29 year old Toronto woman, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, fell to her death from her 24th floor apartment on Wednesday May 27th while Toronto Police were present. Her family took to social media to report the police allegedly had a hand in her untimely death.

Mayor John Tory is also calling for the investigation into this suspicious case. The GoFundMe account: is dedicated to the family to help provide justice for Regis.

** Updated information on this ongoing investigation. Sourced from

Family members allege police played a role in her (Regis Korchinski-Paquet’s) death, however, these allegations have not been substantiated.


You can donate to the Black Lives Matter Toronto directly at, which is an organization completely supported through donations through the community. There ultimate goal is to push systemic changes that will benefit black lives in Toronto.



Your voice can make a difference in fighting for the justice of these innocent victims, and is needed more than ever right now.