
The retired baseball player thinks he will be “supporting” Caitlyn Jenner

Ex-MLB player, Jose Canseco, is getting his own reality show… and wait, it gets worse. “Spend A Day With Jose” will feature Jose dressing up as a woman, and act that he claims he’s doing in “support” of Caitlyn Jenner. Because wearing a wig, heels and make-up for 7 days is JUST as hard as being a transgendered person in today’s society.

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Sure it’s a nice idea, but that’s about it. Jose Canseco’s attempt at drag will surely offend the LGBT community more than it will help it. Putting on a dress and make-up won’t even put you close to understanding the emotional ramifications of being misgendered your entire life. Even if Jose’s heart is in the right place, it comes off as shallow and seems like he is just piggybacking on this major pop culture event for publicity. A well-intentioned friend looking to support the community would speak to a transgendered person first and instantly learn that it involves so much more than wearing a costume.

So Jose, if you’re reading this, we hope you mean well, but this is looking like an EPIC fail.

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(Images via Flickr, Giphy)