The OPP in Brighton, Ontario were busy at work last Tuesday breaking up a domestic dispute between a man and his parrot. Police were called when neighbours believed there was a domestic dispute going on next door around 8pm. Northumberland OPP Const. Steve Bates said they found a man by himself when they arrived.




Bates went on to explain, “They heard him yelling and saying, ‘I hope you die,’ and so on and so forth. So we attended and we located the male of the household alone in the house screaming at his pet parrot who apparently was ‘beaking off’ at him, in his words. These are the kinds of stories that police run into all the time. It just adds some levity to the job.”




And surprise!! He was drinking…





The normal way to deal with being way too drunk is by screaming at all of your ex’s via text message and then sobbing uncontrollably. But I guess yelling at a parrot works too…