
Maybe it’s time to accept your girlfriends relationship request!!

You know that couple that is always posting on each other’s timeline, commenting love lyrics on each other’s pictures and making lovey-dovey statuses?! Well it seems likes like they might know what they’re doing. A new study shows that these couples, couples who make their relationship “Facebook Official,” tend to be the couples that stay together for longer.


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It makes sense that advertising your’e relationship would make others less likely to flirt with you, but the connection wasn’t proven until now.
“Romantic relationships do not exist in isolation. Rather, they are affected by the social context in which they are embedded,” say the authors. “Results show that the public association between the self and a romantic partner generally boosted Facebook users’ relationship commitment, which, in turn, increased their likelihood of staying together…”

The study also noted that if both people in the relationship are active on social media and one of them is reluctant to become “Facebook Official” it raises the question of “Why?” A question that usually doesn’t have very flattering answers. The study also acknowledged that their method in no way measured the quality of a relationship, simply the length.

So to all those lovey dovey couples out there, keep up the PDA, it’s working!!


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(Images via Flickr, Giphy)