
Michelle Gingrich and her fiancée Todd had an extra ticket to the game this past Thursday and decided to offer it to a homeless man they saw sitting outside the ACC in the cold. Turns out the man had never been to a sporting event before.


Michelle wrote:

Yesterday my fiance and I went to the Toronto Maple Leafs game and we had two extra ticket to the game. As we walked to the ACC we saw this homeless man, sitting by himself in the cold. We went up to him and asked him if he wanted to go to the game. In seconds he just lit right up, was so happy and excited as he’s never been to any sporting event before. Not only did it make us feel so amazing to see his face light up and be excited. It made us realize.. It is so easy to put a smile on someone’s face. Give them an experience they’ve never had and most take this gentleman away from a cold night alone.