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Happy day before Friday!!! Otherwise known as Pet Thursday!!!!!!!!

For those of you who are new to this blog, it is basically filled with the most ADORABLE pups from Save Our Scruff!!!! Save Our Scruff is an organization which focuses on the rescuing and rehoming of dogs and puppies!!! Every week we love hearing about the success stories, and seeing how happy these dogs are in their new homes, BUT we love hearing about all the dogs still up for adoption even more!!!!


Here are some SUCCESS stories..




PRINCESS is loving her furever home! She loves riding on her mommas Vespa!



Here’s another pic of MADDY now CORVO in her furever home!






Remember GIZA? This Egyptian stray was found on the streets of Cairo with a broken leg. Save Our Scruff set up a $1000 fundraiser in order to pay for the funds needed to amputate her leg. We exceeded our fundraising expectations by $2000 and were able to bring in 3 more strays needing rescue from Egypt. After arriving to Toronto and after several vet appointments it was discovered that GIZA could live with her leg, without pain. The funds that were collected went towards getting her and the other pups to better health — as they all came in rougher shape than expected. Today, GIZA has been in her adoptive home for 5 months and is progressing well with her rehabilitation of her leg. She does water therapy and in her spare time likes to play and nap with her big sister Maya! She has been renamed CAIRO in reference to where she was rescued! Thanks again to everyone who has supported her and her friends journey to Canada and vetting costs! We love to support where ever there is need for rescue!




MARIA came to us from Isla Animals in Mexico after being found alone on a beach. She was very skinny and was taken in and bulked up before being brought over. She definitely continued onto the path to success “We changed her name to Mari! She is so great and has settled into our family without any hesitation. She is well mannered, curious, and energetic. She is always willing to have tons of fun at any moment of the day. But the funny part is that she can also be a total couch potato! She has grown tons and continues to grow everyday. Last time I weighed her she was 35lbs but she has to weigh more now because she is getting tough to carry!” The difference a happy and healthy environment can do! Happy ending!! Thanks Isla Animals for starting her journey for her!


LISA arrived a few months ago and was adopted immediately by her foster before we could even get word out about her! She found the perfect home for her and just look at the progress in her coat! She was rescued very recently off the streets of the Dominican before her arrival to us and was in very poor shape. Her new momma has shown her love, affection has definitely taken the right steps to get her healthy! This is a happy pup!




We love a good foster fail! Especially when it involves not splitting up a perfect pair like JUNE and her new pet bunny! We are so happy!!!!



NOW lets hear about some oh-so-adorable pups who are still looking for their FUREVER homes!!!!




Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, fuzzy wuzzy had no hair, fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t FREDDY was he? Meet FREDDY BEAR! This guy is keeping it Canadian with his recent arrival from Northern Quebec. He is a chocolate labrador/retriever mix making him the most beautiful little gentleman. I mean, who doesn’t love a long haired boy, am I right?! #wheresthemanbun He’s 2 years old and has about a medium energy level. That does not mean that he does not need walks because this dude is averaging 4-5 a day (which has also helped with his housetraining)! He isn’t wanting to run real fast but he benefits from exercise and likes to roam. He really can’t decide if he’s a bear or a dog. He is also quite satisfied chilin’ out at home, especially being close to his human. He has some separation anxiety which has already gone down since his arrival but will need some continued work! He’s now quite good being alone but does whine/scratch initially. He has started learning basic commands and shows interest in progressing! FRED is happy sleeping on the floor next to your bed but actually prefers being in a tree or in a comfy/quiet place to hibernate. He loves other dogs and could go to a home as either the only dog or with a furry friend. He has not been cat tested but would likely mix well! He is a little nervous with men upon introduction but quickly comes out of his shell when he feels safe. He is a happy little brown bear, looking for lots of love. He is being fostered in Toronto.





Meet ELIZABETH BANKS! This blondie is a 5 month old Egyptian Baladi! She recently arrived to Canada and is taking on the movie scene by storm. And when we say movie scene.. we mean she’s a huge couch potato who LOVES movie marathons. All she has wanted to do since arriving is snuggle, receive human affection and snuggle some more. She is very low maintenance and would make a great apartment dog!Out in the real world, she is less in her element and is settling into the craziness of Toronto. She is unsure of how to act around others, like when she sees other dogs on the street. She likes her comfort zone (who doesn’t) and will need someone to patiently get her excited about the world. She has some separation anxiety and is working on it at her foster home! She will also need basic training. She is being fostered in Toronto. She has not been cat tested and is working on her socialization.





Wait you wanted a pair of bonded senior poms?! That’s weird cause we totally just got these guys in. Meet ROMEO & TURBO! As I said, these guys are looking for a home TOGETHER. They are aged 9 and 10 and have spent that time together! They’re friendly, playful and don’t act like seniors at all! They will although require a full-time beautician as they follow in Missy Elliot’s paws in liking to get their hur did and their nails done.






If you’re looking for a snuggle partner then SKY is the girl for you! She’s just over 1 year old, very low maintenance and just loves to laze on the couch. Outside she gets very excited but also very nervous, and we’re working on her confidence as well as her leash skills. She’s very smart and has picked up many basic commands. She LOVES to cuddle and be with you all the time and she’s very good with cats. She needs someone with patience and tenacity to help her to continue to work on her confidence. She has high stranger danger and will not approach anyone she is uncertain of (unless they have a friendly dog she’d like to meet). She is better after a few calm meetings but is still learning to open up her heart! She is a loyal pup and finds her confidence next to someone she trusts. She is very dog social and actually loves ALL animals! We’d love to see her in a home with other animals (she’s a crazy cat lady) and even a dog that can guide her. She has hip dysplasia and comes with special care instructions for the rest of her life, possibly needing surgery down the road. She should not be exerting herself but is able to run freely on grass. She LOVES to play and run with dogs but should not be running on pavement! She is special and deserves a special home. Her two siblings have already been adopted through Save Our Scruff and now it’s her turn!! P.S. Thanks to Isla Animals in Mexico for starting the rescue process and sending us this BEAUTY!






Meet WINNIE! She is a recent rescue from Northern Quebec and boy is she a cute little bear! She is a Labrador/Retriever mix, is approximately 2 years old and weighs about 35lbs max. She was initially timid when settling into her foster but she is warming up well and starting to be curious (while still nervous). She has made herself at home with a bundle of blankets she uses as her little nest and is comfortable enough to seek out interactions and warms up within minutes. She likes to get attention in all forms — meeting new humans and puppies as long as they are friendly towards her as well. She is submissive and other than a little interest in pulling towards cats on her walk, she is very adaptable in her Toronto adventures thus far. She is getting more familiar with the sounds and action in Toronto but very much enjoys prancing around the neighbourhood. She is learning to walk on a leash and although being quite uncoordinated at first, she has shown a lot of improvements! She is medium energy and is not particularly interested in being an active person’s dog. She likes her walks but is not so much interested in running extensively. For example, she likes to fetch but will take her time to bring the ball back — cantering her way to and from. She needs training in terms of basic commands, manners (not mooching), housetraining and just getting the swing of being a pet! This little bear is currently shedding like crazy so take into consideration the possibility of allergies! She is very affectionate and loves to be pet and snuggled. She can be a bit shy but if you show her some love, she’ll let you in. She is being fostered in Toronto.






DAFFY is looking for a foster/furever home! In order to be able to take her into the rescue, we need someone lined up as either a temporary caregiver or one foooooo lyfe. Nah ‘saying? DAFFY has lots of energy and is ready for a home that can accomadate that! She may be older but she is full of life and needs stimulation! Her current situation lacks this area of attention and she has become impatient, snippy and growls at times. We want her in a home that can correct this behaviour. She doesn’t show signs of aggression which is why we would like to get her out NOW and get her the home she needs. She is good with other dogs and has been around cats her entire life.



Tuna is looking for an experienced foster/forever home. Although her anxiety has greatly improved she will need a confident leader that makes sure she doesn’t push the boundaries we set for her. Tuna is a very confident, energetic little fish that would do well in agility if you can find the right way to motivate her. She is fearless of her surroundings and loves to explore. She is athletic, although it’s hard to see under all that fluff. She is dog friendly but would do best with calmer dogs that don’t get too excited. Tuna is still sensitive to touch on certain areas of her body, likely a side effect of being matted for long periods. It is recommended that she not go to a home with young children since she reacts unfavourably when touched in certain spots. Although she’s the fluffiest thing since….. well… FLUFF, she doesn’t require much grooming beyond a 6 month seasonal shedding period, a weekly brush and a check to ensure she isn’t getting matted. Our trainer Jess atComplete K9 Care Training will provide details on her assessment and progress with Tuna in order to keep her on the right bath! P.S. Our trainer (and expect dog breed detective) also believes she may be a Finnish Lapphund! Look it up man. But seriously, it can’t be a coincident that she is FIN-nish. AM I RIGHT?


If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!


ANNND now, here is a video of puppies that will make your day!!!! (..or week….or year)


Posted by BuzzFeed BFF on Wednesday, July 22, 2015



(Images via Facebook)