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Throw on your lulu leggings and grab a brewski bro!!!

When you think of Lululemon, the most common things that come to mind probably include yoga, green tea, athletic people, and water. (you know… all that healthy stuff!!)




Well now they are taking a bit of a turn and coming out with a Lululemon-branded BEER!!!!!!!! Doug Devlin, director of marketing for Stanley Park Brewing made a comment on the matter…

“Just because you’re a yogi, doesn’t mean you won’t have an occasion for beer, and we’re certainly interested in talking to that crowd. I think Lululemon, by extension, is interested in talking to a more male beer-drinking crowd. It’s a nice way for each of us to take what it is we do to a new consumer.”

BUT don’t worry, ladies can also get their beer goggles on too!!




Unfortunately, for those of you dying to try this new beer, it is only being sold in B.C and Alberta as of now. Lululemon is making 88,000 cans, which will be sold in 200 government liquor stores within these two provinces. The beer is described as a “crisp, bold session lager” and no, it does not make you skinner by drinking it!!!







(images via Instagram)