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NO filters, NO editing, and NO LIKES!!!

Film Director and Youtuber, Casey Neistat, has unveiled a new social media platform that he and his team have been working on for over a year. The app, called Beme (prounounced “Beam”), is designed to combat the “fakeness” that exists across today’s social medias.  Sites like Facebook and Instagram allow users to select, edit and share their pictures very selectively, allowing people to portray an idealized version of themselves.


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What Beme does is take away this ability to review, edit and self-scrutinize. Beme forces users to share moments instantly, with no chance to review or re-do their content. To record, simply press your phone against your chest and continue what you are doing. Beme will automatically start filming and after 4 seconds your video will end and be posted for all of your friends to see. This takes away any chance to preview, review or change your pictures and videos.


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I know! Terrifying!!! What if you take an unflattering picture?

Well that’s the beauty of Beme, it shows people who you really are, even if that person is not always perfect.


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Learn more about Beme by watching the video below:



(Images via Giphy, Youtube)