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Schumer told Jimmy fallon about her EPIC prank on Katie Couric!!!



You’ re right Amy, because you’ve already won…..OUR HEARTS!!! Amy Schumer confessed to Jimmy Fallon the other night that she pulled and EPIC prank on Katie Couric. What did the prank involve you ask?!?!? Katie’s phone, husband, and butt!!!




Couric saw her husband across the room and went over to say hello, leaving her phone open on the table. Amy then “without even thinking” did this….

“Except I picked it up, and just without even thinking, text him: ‘I wanna have anal tonight.’ And I sent it.”




Couric tweeted Amy earlier today saying that it’s “pay back time sister…”


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Better watch your back Amy!!!!! Watch the interview below!!!



(Images via Youtube, Twitter)