Future Presidential failure Donald Trump crossed paths with little Harry Potter and gave him some “useful” advice that he’d never forget.


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Daniel Radcliffe was on the Late Night Show this week and told Seth Meyers about the time he and Donald met backstage at the Today Show, ” I was really nervous, 11-years-old, had never been on live TV before and was terrified. [Trump] was a guest on it, and presumably somebody went up to him and was like, ‘you wanna meet the kid that plays Harry Potter?’ … I remember having some idea of who he was but not really a full concept. So they marched me over to him and I remember having some idea of who he was but not really a full concept. He was like, ‘How are you?,’ and I was like, ‘I’m really nervous, I don’t know what I’m going to talk about on the show.’ And he just said, ‘You just tell them you met Mr. Trump.’”


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Watch Daniel tell the story above.



Filed under: Daniel Radcliffe, Donald Trump, Seth Meyers