Roc Nation Records / Universal Music
Roc Nation Records / Universal Music

Wendy Williams threw an oversized beach umbrella level of shade at Rihanna today. Williams declared that Rihanna will never be able to reach legend status, aka, Beyonce level greatness.

Slowly Beyoncé has become the level of which we all judge our lives. Or at least, the bar that Wendy Williams uses to judge other black female pop artists. In her hot topics segment today, Wendy Williams declared that Rihanna is hot for now, but can’t be a legend like Beyoncé. She said, “Rihanna will not be a legend. Nope! Beyonce will do her residency in Vegas at 55 years old and you will go see her. Rihanna will attempt to do it but as soon as she get up there and says the B word better have my money…”




The audience reacted with a giant round of applause and Wendy continued by saying, “Rihanna is good for right now. She’s not a legend. Nor will she be.” Check out Wendy going off on Rihanna at 7:25 below:


BUUUUTTT, let’s go back to 2012 when Wendy was covering the release of Beyoncé’s documentary. Wendy says, “You know Beyoncé can’t talk. Beyoncé sounds like she’s got a fifth grade education.” Watch that clip below:



So maybe.. Wendy Better Have Her Story Straight.

