Kit Harington was a rugged, battle tested warrior before he was Jon Snow on Game of Thrones. In an interview for W Magazine, Kit talks about how he showed up to his first Game of Thrones audition with a black eye after he brawled in a McDonald’s. We presume no swords were allowed in this fight.




He says, “So I called him up for a fight, which I’d never done before. And of course he’d been sat down the whole time, and he got up and he just … kept going. And I just realized at that point that I had to throw the first punch otherwise I’d look like a complete wimp. I got battered. So then I went to the Jon Snow audition with a black eye – which I think that man who punched me in the face may have helped me get the job, so if you’re watching, thank you.”




Watch Kit tell the entire story in the video above!



Filed under: Game of Thrones, Jon Snow