All of those years of being told you need to floss, and then never flossing, and then feeling bad about it, were a big waste of everyone’s time. People much smarter than us, have done some research and determined that flossing is big bunch of Bologna. Everyone has been lying to you and no one can be trusted.




The Associated Press decided today was the day that they exposed all of the evil dentists who tell you to floss. They say, “The AP looked at the most rigorous research conducted over the past decade, focusing on 25 studies that generally compared the use of a toothbrush with the combination of toothbrushes and floss. The findings? The evidence for flossing is ‘weak, very unreliable,’ of ‘very low’ quality, and carries ‘a moderate to large potential for bias.'”


Further in The AP‘s story, they speak on the flossing companies that would love to see flossing remain a apart of your life. They wrote, “Even companies with a big market share of the flossing business — by next year, the global market is predicted to reach almost $2 billion, with half in the United States, according to publisher — struggled to provide convincing evidence of their claims that floss reduces plaque or gingivitis. Yet the industry has paid for most studies and sometimes designed and conducted the research.”

If you were hoping that your dentist would stop nagging you, bad news, they’ll still judge you. BIG FLOSSING CO will say it helps to prevent gum disease as well as helps to stop early tooth decay. But we really don’t know what to believe anymore.



The Blake & Wylde Scientist are urging that you toss out all of your floss today and liberate your teeth! You probably weren’t going to floss anyways.


Filed under: Flossing