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surprise surprise….

Trumps recent venture into the world of Politics has caused him nothing but trouble!! Macy’s, who have been selling Trump’s menswear line for years said GOODBYE to all Trump-branded merch!! Their reason behind this?! Well Donald made some racist remarks that Macy’s did NOT deem acceptable!




Macy’s made a comment on the matter this morning saying

 “We are disappointed and distressed by recent remarks about immigrants from Mexico. … In light of statements made by Donald Trump, which are inconsistent with Macy’s values, we have decided to discontinue our business relationship with Mr. Trump and will phase-out the Trump menswear collection, which has been sold at Macy’s since 2004.”

Really Donald??




OH and while we are on the topic of Trumps empire slowly crumbling… there have also been reports that suggest the Trump Hotels have been hit by hackers with a credit card breach!




Unfortunate right?? Well, it is Donald Trump so………




Eric Trump, the executive vice president of development and acquisitions at The Trump Organization, said in a statement that

“Like virtually every other company these days, we have been alerted to potential suspicious credit card activity and are in the midst of a thorough investigation to determine whether it involves any of our properties.”


If Trump keeps this up he will be going from $$$$ to $ soon enough!!



(Images via Instagram, giphy)