22-year-old Grant Birdsong from Pittsburgh had to be rescued at 2am Tuesday after getting stuck in between two buildings.


The story goes that he was trying to impress his date and attempted to jump from one shorter building to the taller one…thats when he epically failed. He fell three stories in between the two buildings before getting stuck there.




It took emergency crews close to four hours to remove bricks and break through walls to free Grant. CBC Pittsburgh said “he was brought out on a stretcher with a possibly broken ankle. He gave two thumbs up to the girl he wanted to impress as he was loaded into the ambulance.”




CBS Pittsburgh interviewed some of the bystanders on their thoughts of the incident. Anthony Demaio said “I think he is an idiot for doing it, but at least he got the girl.”

Kamila Rak said “If he was doing it to impress a girl, I personally would not be impressed at all. He really made a fool of himself, but she stayed.” 



Filed under: Pittsburgh