Tennessee-native Spencer was convinced that he was dating Katy Perry for the past six years. He met ‘Katy Perry’ on a Yahoo messaging app and as The Frisky writes, “Spencer even went so far as to craft “Katy” a ring from his grandma’s emerald stone, investing (and ultimately losing) 25 percent of his income in the process.”




It turned our that ‘Katy Perry’ is actually a woman from Canada named Harriet who “loved torturing naive romantics.”




Katy Perry was on Sirius XM Morning Mash Up Show, when she was asked about the Catfish episode; when she said “empathy and guilt prevented her from being able to watch or make light of the man’s pain. Someone sent me a link and I didn’t actually read through it because I just think it’s really unfortunate and very sad. My heart goes out to him actually because anybody that’s been fooled like that — people have dreams and people live in different parts of the world where not everything is so accessible. We live on the coasts, and we get stuff in a way that other people don’t get, and I feel bad for him. So I didn’t really like to indulge in that because my heart would die.”




For those of you out there who think they are talking to a celebrity…think twice.


Filed under: Catfish, Katy Perry