In Naya Rivera’s new book, Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes and Growing Up she addresses a number of people and issues, including: former Glee cast mate Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, Ariana Grande and Big Sean and her struggles with anoerxia.

Below are excerpts from her book via PopCrush and E! News:


Issues with Lea Michele

“One of the Glee writers once said that Lea and I were like two sides of the same battery and that about sums us up. We are both strong willed and competitive—not just with each other but with everyone—and that’s not a good mixture…  As the show progressed, though, that friendship started to break down, especially as Santana moved from a background character to one with bigger plot lines and more screen time. I think Rachel—erm, I mean Lea—didn’t like sharing the spotlight.”

She added, “On top of that, she had a hard time separating work from our outside friendship, whereas it was a lot easier for me. I’m not offended when people offer feedback or criticism, and if things get heated on set, I try to keep perspective. We’re all stressed, yes, but we’re all working toward the same goal, so laugh it off and keep it movin’. Lea was a lot more sensitive, though, and it seemed like she blamed me for anything and everything that went wrong.”

“If I’d complained about anyone or anything, she’d assumed I was bitching about her. Soon, she started to ignore me, and eventually it got to the point where she didn’t say a word to me for all of Season 6. Lea and I definitely weren’t the best of friends, and I doubt we’ll ever sit on her couch and eat kale together again, but the rumors of our ‘feud’ were blown out of proportion.”


On Cory Monteith’s death

“I doubt I’m alone in feeling a lot of regret about his death. Since he died, a lot of us have spent time wondering and talking about what would have happened if someone had stepped in or confronted him about what was going on. Or what if he’d been trying to talk to someone about what was going on and just thought no one cared? Like, maybe that one time when it was just the two of us walking out to our cars, maybe if I would have just walked a little bit slower and hadn’t been in such a hurry to get home, maybe he would have seen it as an opportunity to bring something up,” the actress writes. “You can drive yourself crazy like that, because no number of ifs will ever make anything different.”


On her breakup with Big Sean & how she walked in on him and Ariana Grande

“We’d been fighting for five straight days while he was traveling, and then on the one day that he was back in L.A., he said he didn’t want to see me… “Guess what little girl is sitting cross-legged on the couch listening to music? It rhymes with ‘Smariana Schmande.'”

She added, “I learned that I was no longer getting married from the Internet, and at the same time as the rest of the world. Not only were we no longer getting married, but apparently we weren’t even together anymore.”


Her struggles with anorexia (via PEOPLE)

“I was so young and it just seemed to be the norm. Everyone was going through similar stuff. I had no way of knowing if I was going through it worse. I was juggling my feelings and it makes me sad that there are girls still going through that 15 years after I went through it.”

Naya also talks about Mark Salling and much more in her new book, Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes and Growing Up available NOW on Amazon!

Filed under: Cory Monteith, Lea Michele, Naya Rivera