
Game of Thrones fans have had a roller-coaster of emotions this season, and they just can’t anymore! And their reactions to the finale were PRICELESS!

This season of GoT set out to push and pull beloved fans in all different directions. From the shocking twists, massive betrayals, and possible deaths of more than one main character, the show had us like…




And yet, we all keep coming back for more because let’s face it, it’s hard to look away because the show is just TOO GOOD!

Well, you can’t say that George R.R. Martin didn’t warn you!




On Sunday, GoT fans were expecting a bloodbath, but instead they completely LOST THEIR MINDS during that final scene!!

The agony of people watching the show’s finale is something else! (You’ll most likely relate).

Check out below! ****WARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS VIDEO*** Now you can’t say we didn’t tell you before hand, in case you haven’t seen it yet!





(Images via HBO)