
If you were hoping to collect all the “Star Wars” merchandise that’s coming out in conjunction with the new movie, I have news for you: You probably can’t afford it. Especially not THIS!!


There’s a watch based on Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter, and it costs $28,500. (!!!) Granted, it’s REALLY sharp. But what makes it worth that much? A whole bunch of things that mean absolutely NOTHING to me. Such as . . .

“Glass-reinforced nylon belts with multiple high-tech optical recognition cells, micro-step motors, and 313 electrical contacts.” I could go on, but since I have no idea what I’m saying, why bother?

They’re only making 500 of these, so if you’re interested, you might want to take out that home equity loan ASAP. And hey, it also comes with CUFF LINKS, if that makes you feel better.

(Photo: youtube)