anneIrish gambling site is taking bets on who will play Mary Poppins in the upcoming live action re-make. Leading the way is Mary Poppins reincarnate Anne Hathaway.

Disney better listen to random Irish betting sites, because Anne Hathaway is the PERFECT person to play Mary Poppins in their upcoming live action rendition.





Disney’s live action Mary Poppins will reportedly be a brand new story set 20 years after the original film. We’re not sure why they couldn’t just do the original..


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The other contenders for Mary Poppins include, Emily Blunt (5:2), Amy Adams (7:2), Kristen Bell (11:2) and Anna Kendrick (10:1). But none of of those compare to Anne’s 4:6 odds. We all know Anne is the one true Mary.


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