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Kim wins wifey of the year since she rented out the ENTIRE Staples stadium for Kanye’s 38th birthday!! 

On Monday, the world was graced with the 38th birthday of Kanye West!!

Kim gets all the credit for his super AWESOME birthday surprise, and of course she tweeted about it…


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The “crazy surprise???” OH, no biggie, she rented out THE ENTIRE STAPLES CENTRE, so that Yeezus could play some ball with his close friends and family!!

People who came out to play with the birthday boy include Justin Bieber, Tyga, Russell Wellbrook, John Wall, 2 Chainz, John Legend, and MANY more!!


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Kim even splurged and hired REAL NBA refs and a few Lakers girls to cheer them on!! (With the expenses coming to a total of around $110,000)



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It’s pretty clear that Kim really loves Kanye to pull all of this off!!!

AND, of course now we are already looking forward to how she will top this birthday next year!!! (If thats even possible)



(Images via Instagram, Twitter, Instagram, Instagram, Giphy)