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You might think twice next time you reach for a cookie!! (read at your own risk)

Cookies make EVERYTHING better!!! Right? Right? WRONG!!!




New research has provided evidence that trans fatty acids (commonly found in baked goods such as cookies, cakes, etc…) can alter your mood. Yahoo Health Reports stated that people who had a higher fatty acid intake…

“…had difficulty with several aspects of their emotions, including how aware they were of them, how clearly they could read them, and how well they could regulate their mood. But when people ingested less trans fatty acids, they saw an improvement in their ability to regulate their emotions.”




This research was designed to help people become more aware about how our diets can effect our mood.




So next time you reach for a cookie or that last piece of cake… whatever on the lips, forever on the hips (and mind)!!!





(Images via Flickr, Tumblr, Tumblr, Tumblr)