Kids will be kids.. and they can be messy!

A 3 year old in the UK was just being your typical kid during a play date with a friend and got some pen on her shoes, but instead of her mom brushing it off when the daughter got home.. her mom tried to charge the mother of the other child over it!! Why? BECAUSE THE SHOES WERE OVER $400!

Sarah Louise Bryan asked the other mother (and also her friend BTW) to pay the $400 because the shoes were designer (the little girl also has another 60 pairs of shoes may I add). She felt her daughter wasn’t being looked after, and that she should be compensated for the shoe damage.

The mom appeared on ‘Good Morning Britain’ and was lectured prettttty harshly by host Peirs Morgan.

Hot Tip: Don’t buy your 3 year old $400 designer shoes and expect them to stay clean.
