Gwenyth Paltrow’s Goop has been telling women to shove stone eggs up their…private areas. Oh, Gwenny. REALLY?




We all know that one friend who’s obsessed with the latest cleanses or health trends, but this advice is on a whole other level. A $55.00 jade stone is supposed to help cultivate energy in the bedroom, clear chi pathways in the body, and intensify feminine energy. Don’t believe us? Jade egg-veteran, Shiva Rose, explains that using them does in fact improve ‘sex life, your cycle and overall well-being’. Yeah, that’s right. Jade egg-veteran.




Apparently, our wombs can be ‘psychic trash bins’ which can store negative energy. This energy can be cleaned with the stone. Metro quotes Shiva, and explains without all that negativity lingering up in our womanhood areas, that the eggs will also, “Increase orgasm, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, increase control of the whole perineum and bladder, and invigorate our life force.”


In case you forgot where you actually keep this egg, it goes up your genitals. Have fun!!!!!



Filed under: anatomy, Goop, gwenyth paltrow, Health, weird