A restaurant in California is in trouble after they gave a woman a $30.95 discount on her $116.80 bill after a rat scurried by her table.




Jackie Logan was dining with a friend when the incident happened. Logan posted the photo of the receipt to Facebook where you can see the restaurant’s all caps, “SEEN RAT” discount. In the post she wrote, “I’m sorry, but does anyone else see a problem with this. If a rat joins you at dinner at a very well known family of restaurants in the area…At minimum a Manager should visit your table and comp my meal. Not ok…ever (at any restaurant)!!! WTF?!” 




According to WABC via the Huffington Post, “an inspector with the Sacramento County Environmental Management Department, checked to see if the place was infested. She said she found no evidence of rats living or dead, no nests or gnawed food packages.” 

Word is, the manager is trying to track down Jackie and her guest to apologize for the hairy experience.


Filed under: Dining, Eating, food, Rats, Restaurant