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Next time you’re on the subway, make sure you keep your legs closed boys!!

Imagine getting arrested for “making yourself comfortable” on the subway. Wait what?!?!? NYPD recently arrested two Latino men at 12:11am for manspreading!!! (sitting with your legs spread far apart on the subway)




Apparently, this is now an arrest-able offence (if one does not stop man spreading when asked). Other insignificant actions such as putting your foot up on a seat can also be deemed as “solicitation” even if their actions are not inconveniencing other people.




I think we can all agree that when men spread their legs, taking up two or more seats on the subway, it can be very frustrating!!! BUT men aren’t the only ones, i know i’ve seen a few women getting comfy during their subway ride home. So is it really something we need to ARREST people for?? As a society we should be able to deal with these issues on our own.


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So to all you manspreaders out there (and womenspreaders), keep your legs closed for everyone’s sake!!! And if you feel like taking a look at some hilarious man spreading, visit the Tumblr account Men Taking Up Too Much Space On The Train.




(Images via Tumblr, Tumblr, TumblrTumblr)