13-year old Danielle aka the ‘Cash Me Ousside How Bout That’ teen is back on Dr. Phil once again for a followup and well … things haven’t changed much.


Since her last appearance, Danielle was sent, by Dr. Phil, to ‘Turn-About Ranch’ and although many had high hopes for Danielle, she quickly slipped back into her old ways once she returned home.


According to her mom, all Danielle does is stay at home, sleep all day, up all night, she doesn’t go to school and she’s glued to her phone (on Instagram, making videos, of course!)


Check out some clips of Danielle and her mom on The Dr. Phil Show below. 



And then Danielle’s mom gets defensive with Dr. Phil and asks, “Has there ever been a show that had the highest ratings?” #What?



Let’s not forget … while Danielle and her mom were on their way home from the Dr. Phil show, both got into a fight with another passenger, and things got a little hectic.  Not only was it filmed and aired on TMZ BUT all 3 women were banned from the airline and their money was returned to them.




And check out Danielle the first time around on Dr. Phil.


Filed under: Dr Phil