
There’s a 14-year-old kid in South Korea who goes by the name B.J. Patoo, and he makes up to $1,500 a night just by eating at his computer!  This is a phenomenon in South Korea called “mukbang” (pronounced muck-bong), which literally translates to “eating broadcast”. It’s pretty simple: You just sit in front of your webcam and chat with people while eating large quantities of food, sometimes very LOUDLY.   Patoo is one of the most popular mukbangers, which is why he makes so much.  It all comes from fans, who “gift” him things called “Star Balloons” that cost about ten cents each.  And most of his fans are teenagers.  A lot of them say they watch because it’s entertaining.  Other people say it helps them satisfy their cravings without actually eating.  “Business Insider” says the mukbang kid made about 250 GRAND in 2013.