The County Sheriff’s department of Los Angeles has confirmed that Justin Bieber just might be in trouble with the law once again … Justin is now being investigated for a situation that occurred at an L.A. restaurant.

The Sheriff’s dept. says, “There is an open investigation where someone inside the establishment called and said that something happened with him [Bieber] outside.”  #OhNo

Here’s the story … Justin apparently headbutted a man at a pre-GRAMMY party sometime last weekend and currently the police are now doing an investigation.  Justin was “play fighting” with That’s So Raven actor Kyle Massey and when Justin caught someone recording it and refused to delete the video … well … we all know what happened after that.

However, a representative from Serafina, the restaurant where all of this happened at says,  “We know very little about the alleged incident at Serafina Sunset with Justin Bieber, but we can assure you that nobody from our staff was involved, nor did we call the police.  We always have pleasant experiences with Mr. Bieber whenever he comes to Serafina.”

AND … this isn’t the only situation that is currently being investigated.  Cleveland police are also investigating Justin after a man from Las Vegas claims he punched him in June.

Is it too late to say sorry?

Filed under: justin bieber