This is one of the most touching stories I’ve read in a long while.

Meet 19 year old UPS worker Derrick Taylor.

Derrick works at the UPS Distribution Center in Oxford, Alabama.

He began working at the company about a year and a half ago to help with his mother’s hospital bills. Not surprisingly, bills began adding up so he couldn’t afford to buy a car so he would walk 5 miles to and from work every day for his 4:00am shift.

His amazing co-workers weren’t having any of that and together raised over $1000 to buy him a used 1990s-model Jeep Cherokee Classic.

Taylor was overcome with emotion, “Man, it’s been a roller coaster with all the attention, tied with family problems. But I feel blessed beyond so many measures so it’s been great.”

He told The Daily Mail UK, “I was overwhelmed with joy. No one had ever done anything like that for me so it made me cry and I’m not really the type to show my emotions.”

One of his co-workers, James Williams said of Taylor, “This is a hard-working young man. He makes me emotional. This young man wants to work so bad, he walks to work from way out of town. The group here, we’ve got some good news for you. Everybody came together and you don’t have to walk no more. You’ve got your own ride. We want you to know we appreciate your hard.”

Check out the incredible video above.

Filed under: UPS