Jamacio Kimble proposal to his girlfriend Kayla King is one of the sweetest things you’ll see this week.



After wrecking his car in a serious accident and being hospitalized, Jamacio was determined to follow through on something he had planned for a while now: proposing to his girlfriend Kayla.

He told ABC News, “I wanted to pop the question because God spared my life to live and I didn’t want to wait one more breath without asking her to marry me.”

He added, “Honestly, I was on a bunch of meds when I proposed,” he said. “But, once I asked her, all I could think about is her saying ‘yes’ and me getting to spend the rest of my life with her.”

Jamacio was driving towards his Tennessee college campus on March 1st when his car crashed, “I over-corrected and started going down the big embankment…I dodged a fence, but then over-corrected and hit a power line.”

Kayla told ABC News that when she saw Jamacio he was apologetic and revealed why he was on his way to the college campus, “I got on the ambulance where he was laying on a stretcher in a [cervical] collar and he explained to me, ‘I’m sorry Kayla. I’m so sorry,'” …And I said, ‘Why are you sorry? Things like this happen.’ He said, ‘You don’t understand, Kayla. I was coming to propose to you.'”

She added, “I just broke down and we both cried in the back of the ambulance.”

Kayla spoke about how the proposal went down, “We walk out and then all of our family, friends, his coach and a lot of people from church were there, and he stands up and gets out of his wheelchair and I’m like, ‘What are you doing? You need to rest,'”.

She said, “It took me a couple minutes to figure out what was going on. At that point I had completely forgotten about him proposing and I definitely didn’t think he was going to do it in that moment. I just figured he’d put it away for another day.”

The couple plan on getting married next Spring.

Filed under: Jamacio Kimble, Kayla King, Marriage Proposal