I am a BIG fan of Lauren Jauregui of Fifth Harmony.




I admire how outspoken she is and how she’s completely comfortable with herself and how encouraging she is of her fans to be the same way.

In a brand new interview with The Huffington Post, Lauren tackled a number of issues including coming out as bisexual last year, Donald Trump and his policies and much more.



” First of all, I resonate really heavily with immigration, period, because I am the granddaughter and daughter of immigrants. The fact that these are seven countries that have zero terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Zero. It doesn’t really make any sense to have banned them. All it does is propel xenophobia. It propels ignorance.”



“What I would tell everyone is: Don’t lose your sense of individuality. Don’t lose your love for yourself, and how much you’ve grown, and how far you’ve come. Do not allow this bulls— to change that or to take that away from you. You’re still loved. We love you, we support you, we’re here and we’re all together in this. Nobody’s going to take our voice away.”

She added, “When you feel comfortable enough or when you find that person that makes you feel comfortable enough, just go into it and embrace it…Don’t be scared of it. Don’t allow yourself to be hard on yourself or feel like you’re crazy or wrong. Especially with the administration that’s coming in, they’re really going to try to make you feel like you’re crazy or you’re not normal or you’re wrong. You’re going to hear so many people around you that are fueled by that ? fueled by the validity of their hatred. That’s not on you. That’s on them and their hearts. You just keep being you and stay true to yourself because that’s what going to make you feel free.”





“I was pointing out all the different ways I personally felt attacked, and that is a very big part of it. That’s definitely part of who I am. I feel like people make such a big deal out of sexuality. It’s so weird to me, because at the end of the day it’s just about soul connection. It’s just about who you connect with.”


(Note: You can read the open letter she wrote last year HERE)

You can check out more from her Huffington Post interview HERE.

Filed under: Donald Trump, Lauren Jauregui, LGBTQ, The Huffington Post