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Men, do you ever wish you could just roll out of bed and go straight to work with your pyjamas??! Well now you (sorta) can boys!!

Introducing the Suitsy – an adult-sized pyjama onesie disguised as a full-on business suit! Ummm….. GENIUS!!!




Jesse Herzog is the brain behind this new invention that is sure to be a hit!! (at least for a little while..)


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The sleeves under the jacket cuffs are completely attached, and the shirt is attached to the blazer. There’s also a hidden zipper that runs behind the buttons down the front, from the fly all the way up to the neck!!

And you’ll look totally socially acceptable because no one will be able to tell!


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And since nobody likes an ill-fitting suit, the onesie can be altered, just like a real one! But what’s even better, is that you can just throw it into the wash and save on the dry-cleaning! Yay!


This guy thought of everything!




GQ had a few comments about the Suitsy, saying: “imagine yourself not being lazy and buying a proper tailored suit instead.”

Excuse me, but it’s not being lazy, it’s called being efficient! Plus, you spend all day at the office in a suit, why not be comfortable!! You’ll probably get more work done.




Now Adam knows what he’s wearing to every wedding this summer!




(Images via entertainmentIE, DailyMail, JustinWolfers)